CBM Christian Author Press Release - Christian Authors Unite For New Book Release

You Write It and We Will Publish It

Let's Publish!! And You Are Invited To Participate: The book will be a collection of short articles (writings) from various Christian authors just like you. There is also a lot of exposure for each author that participates.  

We also would like for each author that signs up to also include a short bio of themselves at the end of their article so that we can include that information at the end of your article. This is not mandatory, however, available for those authors that would like to include a short bio to be published along with their article. It is also important that you list all the books that you have published at the end of your article by title so that book lovers can find and purchase them along with your author's website address if you have one. Some authors will write a fresh new article for publication while others choose to use a portion of a chapter from a previous book that they have published and then at the end of the article place "taken from the book ( title of the book ) available on Amazon. 

Each author's article will appear in the order that they sign up and complete the payment process. So for those of you that want to be in the front portion of the book, get signed up right away as the spots go fast.

Your Part: Write something original around your favorite scripture or something that is a testimony of God's love, faithfulness and promises. Remember, the whole purpose of the book is to bless and encourage others so that opens the door to endless topics and subjects, like Love, Grace, Mercy, Salvation, Trust, God's Word, Healing, Miracles, The Power of Prayer, Overcoming Sorrow, Overcoming Depression, Restoration, God's Promises, Personal Testimonies, etc. Blink, someone already thought of a great topic. Maybe that is you?

The Article: The overall word count of the book will be set at 50,000 words, give or take. With 25 authors participating, each author's article will need to be 2,000 words or less which calculate out to approximately 8 pages at 250 words per page. Remember, it is not how much you write or say, but rather the life-changing testimony or article that you write. Dig deep, each of you has something profound to share. Something that God has sown into you that is life-changing.

It is written that we overcome by the blood of the lamb of God and the word of our testimony. Each of you are overcomers and each of you are filled with volumes of testimonies. Life-changing testimonies or pearls as we like to call them. Let's share them with the world.

Credits and Other: Each author's name will be credited on each article, for example "written by Author John Doe, author of Faith Restored." For multi-published authors, we would make mention of up to three of your published books at the end of your article.

The fee to be a part of this publication is $100.00 per author. 

Sign up, let your pen flow and let's publish a book that blesses and encourages others together and shares the love and redeeming passion of Christ with the world.

Contact the folks at CBM at: kingdomexpansion1@gmail.com

Hot Off The Press - Craig T. Feigh releases If I Had Ten Dollars

It wasn't that long ago that having ten dollars to spend, as a child, seemed like a lot of money.

If this were the case today, what would our children do, wish, enjoy, dream, or buy with a small financial windfall?

IF I HAD TEN DOLLARS delightfully answers some of these questions.

Discover different ways in which children can earn some extra income. Laugh at the antics of the fun character on every page that steals the scene. Recognize the love and affection between a little boy and his older sister. Enjoy the simple rhythmic tone of a story that children will want to hear again and again. Hunt for the hidden object to find on each page. Share the important life lesson that we can all learn from.
Participate in the hands-on fun of a coloring page.

From the author and illustrator of the popular Little Bit & Big Byte series and Qwerty, The Forgotten Typewriter comes a classic Children's Picture book about our wishes and desires and what truly makes us happy. Get your copy of If I Had TEN Dollars at Amazon.

A Book That Every Christian Leader Should Read

In a world where few Christian leaders walk in integrity and go the full distance in ministry, it is imperative to discover why so many fail while others succeed going on to complete the race. 

Eddie Fernandes continues to lead as a senior pastor for over three decades despite enormous challenges and opposition. He defends that all believers should blossom into leaders as they grow and develop spiritually. Sadly, a significant number of believers implode at a vital stage of spiritual development that he identifies as “conflict”. 

To confirm a theory for his Doctoral research, comparing our spiritual development to the trajectory of a river from source to destination, Eddie embarked on a journey covering half a dozen countries. He interviewed or surveyed 386 leaders from different churches and organizations, including Christian leaders in the business world. His conclusions proved his theory right: leaders don’t finish well because they haven’t learned how to cope with, or press beyond, the stage he identifies as “conflict”. Many never received the training, tools or much-needed help to keep going when they were blindsided by forces intent on disqualifying them as leaders and destroying their noble efforts to serve their Lord. This book provides an understanding of the seven spiritual developmental stages to help transformational leaders start and finish well: chaos, confusion, community, conformity, conflict, crossroads and Christ-likeness. 

In the final stage Eddie unpacks characteristics every Christian leader should strive to embrace. Readers will be surprised, refreshed and challenged by his insights and his own faith journey. He is a leader that has survived, and by God’s grace continues to thrive, despite many seasons of conflict, both from within and from without the Church.

You may get your copy of From Chaos To Christ-Likeness at Amazon

Live Fearlessly With Strength of Steel

A Highly Recommended Must Read Book!

Unconditional Love:  A True Love Story
By Karen Sacchetti

Unconditional Love Is A Romantic Thriller 
Karen and Mike unexpectedly fall in love. Their dream of building a life together is nearly destroyed after Peter's controversial death.  While Mike is reeling over the death of his brother, Peter, and drowning in deadly alcoholism, Karen finds herself in a desperate fight for Mike’s survival. She realizes that God’s unconditional love carries her through as based on her true story.

It is a story of love, abandonment, betrayal, death and victory. Karen shares miracles and how she overcame with a powerful message of hope.

Discover how Karen Learned:
  • to live in true Peace and Joy despite surrounding circumstances.
  • to live Fearlessly with Strength of Steel.
  • to live a Victorious, Transformed Life through Seven Scriptural Promises. 
"Love one another as I have loved you."  John 13:34

Be sure to visit the author at her website Karen Sacchetti to find out more about her book and some great ministry.

A Global News Releases - New Christian Book Release

Global News Release - God's Masterpiece: A Portrait of The Born Again Spirit by Herbert Fearman speaks of a very important subject that is not readily taught often, but this life-transforming principle showcased in John 3:3 and John 3:5 should be shouted from the mountain tops.

Jesus told us in John 3:3 and John 3:5 that except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God and except a man be born of water and of the Holy Spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. We should all know more about this glorious new creation that's taken place inside of every Spirit-filled believer in Jesus Christ. Yet, this book gives a portrait of the new believer’s redemption and regeneration of their spirit man

By mediating on God's Masterpiece, the author believes readers will gain insight into the New Testament, bringing clarity and a more rewarding experience. As the author states, “It's truly amazing when you begin to discover the things God has already given us and it's even more mind blowing to realize what he deposited inside of us when we gave our lives to His Son, Jesus.”

God Almighty has glorious fellowship with us right now in heavenly places that we know nothing about, but he's just beginning to pull back the curtain and give us a glimpse. The things He has done just to make sure our communion with Him will never again be broken is truly remarkable.

Readers will find that this book is a short and easy read filled with revelation knowledge and power. By the design of the Holy Spirit this book lets the Bible do the talking instead of giving opinions. I love it when the Scripture's breathe fresh revelation and the revelation in this book paints a lovely portrait of the born again spirit.

Christian Author Greg Nembhard

 I know what plans I have in mind for you, says Adonai, ‘plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future. When you call to me and pray to me, I will listen to you. When you seek me, you will find me, provided you seek for me wholeheartedly; and I will let you find me,’ says Adonai.

A Book For Every Family Member

A Christian Author Press Release

Reina Davison releases Overcoming Abuse: My Body Belongs to God and Me – A Child’s Body Safety Guide.

A wonderful truth in God’s Word, as she begins the book by the definition of what an overcomer is. Opening children’s eyes to the truth of God’s purpose and plans for them, she goes on to describe God’s gift of free will. 

Describing Good Touch and Bad Touch; she elaborates on these two and what that can encompass. There are Good Touch people and Bad Touch people. Her book gives hope to children who have or have not experienced abuse by speaking the truth of God’s love and care for their body. She also teaches children how to prevent abuse by giving them the tools to know the difference between a healthy relationship and unhealthy relationships.

Writing from a Biblical perspective, yet incredibly gentle and simple, Reina Davison gives hope and guidance that exposes the darkness and sin of the enemy lurking in our lives. These people are unsafe and “No Touch” people as Reina explains. Her premise teaches children the principle of becoming “Overcomers” in Christ Jesus. 

A beautifullly written book that teaches wonderful and enlightening spiritual truths to children. (Note: This book just may encourage adults as well; teaching them that they are overcomers!) I personally enjoyed the uplifting truths to her book and thought…I wish I had a book such as this when I was a child. You will be delighted by this book as well.

This book teaches parents, caregivers, family members, etc., to understand what safe behavior is in and out of the home. Her Body Safety guide in the back provides a checklist for adults to adhere to in protecting children.

With beautiful illustrations, the author sheds light on walking in the truth of God’s Word, while giving them instruction of their enemy (the devil), the Bible, and Jesus, offering hope and encouragement to look to Jesus as their help and Savior. Her book shows that God has a good plan for them and cares for them. She shares that they are Overcomers and can defeat the enemy (the devil) and that because of Jesus, they too can choose to be of Good Cheer (be happy). 

This book comes highly recommended for all children who need to be taught encouraging truths about God’s Word, and especially is a tool to be used by parents, counselors, pastors, child psychologists, medical personnel, and lay persons to teach about healthy sexual boundaries.  

This is one of those books parents should utilize in teaching their children about bad people that sin and touch inappropriately. She has given a list of resources in the back of the book, and is an advocate of ending child sexual abuse. Written with grace, wisdom, and sensitivity to children’s pure intellects, this book does a wonderful job in tackling a difficult subject.

“Thank you, Reina Davison, for your work to protect the vulnerable children of the world!” ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews.

You may get your copy of Overcoming Abuse: My Body Belongs to God and Me at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit author Reina Davison at Overcoming Abuse for more information about her books.


Available In Kindle

Very Highly Recommended - Overcoming Abuse: Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Protection--A Guide for Parents Caregivers and Helpers by Reina Davison offers a 3-part handbook to parents, caregivers, and helpers to aid in protection against child sexual abuse. Coupled with the use of Biblical principles, stages of development in children, this book teaches, educates and gives parents the arsenal they need to educate themselves and their families in either prevention or healing from traumatic child sexual abuse (CSA).

Giving the definitions of child sexual abuse (CSA) and the staggering statistics in our nation, coupled with the abuse worldwide – the abuse of children is unprecedented. Our day and age is raging with this sin against the most innocent of beings – children. Abuse comes in many forms and can be quite insidious, thus the author’s efforts focus on sexual abuse. She also gives insight into the psychiatric dynamics of a sexual predator or offender. Her book is well-rounded and an overview on the subject of CSA that gives knowledge, help and guidance as a manual for prevention and protection against such crimes.

As a comprehensive handbook, one can glean the contents and find out not only how to use her guide, but understand how to limit internet media and device pornography, recognize strategies of perpetrators, giving tips of what to do and what not to do – parents, caregivers and helpers can help recognize, prevent and protect children against childhood sexual abuse. This guide is an invaluable resource, offering also an overview of the main reasons for abuse (the psychology of abusers) to help readers spot unsafe behaviors, giving them a guidebook in tracking and preventing child sexual abuse.

With a section on educating your child on this subject, this book takes all the pieces of a giant puzzle, and even sheds light on the judicial system in relation to this issue. With different stages of age, such as birth to toddler, toddler to five, six to twelve, and twelve to eighteen, the author has broken down the different stages of growth, exposing the different levels of opportunity that sexual predators may use against a child at these ages, along with age appropriate environments and care providers.

This book comes as a highly recommended guide and handbook for parents and caregivers as well as for those dealing with such issues, pastors, police, counselors, child psychologists, medical staff, and the court system will find this information useful in teaching child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention and protection!

Visit author Reina Davison at Overcoming Abuse for more information about her books.You may get your copy of Overcoming Abuse: Child Sexual Prevention and Protection at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

A CBM Christian Book Review - 10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Heart Warming, Uplifting and Filled With Blessings

We loved reading this book and you will also. For All Eternity by June Foster is a Christian contemporary romance novel tinged with religious tension and an unlikely end that speaks of the need for salvation and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. This is truly a must read book. A CBM Christian Book Review / 10.0 out of 10.0 stars

A surprise encounter leaves JD wondering about Joella, the beautiful woman who mowed him down on a bike trail. Intent on keeping the relationship just as a friendly one, JD tells himself; although he can’t get over the peace that emanates from her presence. JD finds Joella and her feminine beauty to be irresistible, even though the constant scolding from his father to “get a new perspective” on life, makes him wonder if Joella could ever be the right choice.  He longs for that peace that Joella possesses, and consequently realizes that a person can’t fill the deep void inside. 

Joella, a interior designer, brings delight to the novel as a young at heart church girl, presenting the charm of a budding romance, this novel keeps readers glued to the pages.  I was constantly wonder what the next page would bring.

As time passes and sparks fly, there are decisions to make and expectations each character has, especially for JD. His strict religious upbringing has taught him not to be interested in anyone outside of his church. Yet, he can’t deny his interest in Joella.  As this budding romance develops with some twists and turns, the author has coupled the scenes with an idyllic setting of family, home and country charm. 

June Foster captures emotions and brings surprise encounters into a well-developed inspirational themed book blended with the romance of true love. First encounters, butterflies, and heart pounding emotions develop into a deep respect and love in this Christian fictional romance that is sure to uplift its readers. Get your copy of For All Eternity at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

What is life? Where is life? When does life begin?

Book Title; Value Life
Written By: Noah Weldemichael
Review by CBM Christian Book Reviews
Stars: 10.0 out of 10.0 

A Valuable Read - Value Life by Noah Weldemichael presents an informative read about life that teaches one to not only value their own life, but to value others. Within this, he challenges readers with a few questions, then explains the answers according to the “right” way as taught from the Bible. He asks readers: “What is life? Where is life? When does life begin? What are our expectations in life? How do we want to live? Are we living, or are we just alive on this Earth? Are we satisfied with our lives? Is life worth living?” His answers uncover an awesome God to the readers, giving hope, light, instruction and a future for a valued life and answering how to find peace in a troubled world.

In short, relevance of a life fulfilled and satisfied comes to the forefront… How does one have joy, peace, love, etc., despite great difficulties? His book delves into these questions and brings renewing of the mind to choose what you think, say and do as a Christian.

Different topics and varying issues are addressed. The author blends “his life story with important lessons from the Bible and the Holy Spirit.” In the end chapter, issues such as negative thoughts and suicidal thoughts are insightful. Within this, his book mainly speaks of battles we all face in our thoughts and how we can choose to meditate on right and wrong things. His book advocates a renewing of the mind through the Word of God and producing the fruits of the Spirit, (joy, peace, love, etc.).

Filled with Scripture, this book speaks to readers that one can go thru difficulties, challenges and struggles and not lose their joy and peace. His book teaches “how to think” and “what to focus your mind on” reminding readers that the mind is the battleground where you will win or lose battles. His book speaks of contentment and peace, offering all who read a choice, will you seek God for your peace?

This book comes highly recommended to new or mature believers alike; and is also recommended for those that want to find purpose, peace and fulfillment in life. For those atheists who doubt the existence of God or the validity of the Bible, he has a word or two for you, for those who doubt Jesus’ teachings, he speaks to those and asks them to open their minds and hearts and live a life that is worth living, asking, “What are you living for?” He also delves into the issue of sin, why God sent His Son and lastly, for those with tormenting or suicidal thoughts, this book also comes recommended as a way to evaluate your thought life, giving loving insight into the battle we all face.

With great insight and deep compassion, each chapter connects the dots from the beginning of creation to our reward in Heaven. With such chapters as: At Creation, How Much is Your Life Worth? Why God Sent His Son, When Does Life Begin? The Heavenly and the Earthly Kings, Stress and Depression, Your Skin Color, What God Expects, Sin, one will find great wisdom and experience gleaning from the author’s examples and life experiences. He writes with a great amount of temperance and offers sound Biblical teaching. 

This book comes highly recommended for anyone that is struggling in their life as a chance to re-evaluate, elevate and find the peace of God.

You may get your copy of Value Life at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

Fresh Vision and Perspective

Highlighting holiness, hope and faith are crucial elements that promote walking by the Spirit, make this a valuable and informative without complicating the matter.

Title: Pathway to Promise: Learning to Overcome.  
By: James Brunetto
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Pathway to Promise: Learning to Overcome by James Brunetto is an amazing short and easy-to-understand ten chapter lesson guide designed to help one learn to move forward when one has become stuck, disillusioned, disappointed, etc. in their God-given mandate that seems to be more of an impossibility. Written by a pastor with much life experience and wisdom, he gives readers the tools and Biblical teaching that makes being a powerful person of faith and learning to be an overcomer attainable. He explains that waiting for the promises are not what one is to do, but running after them and moving forward, is the only way to learn to overcome. This book will change and transform your life that brings eternal rewards. He encourages all Christians that each person has a life mission and God-given mandate, yet so many give up when difficulties come. His word to you in this book is…Learn how to overcome and make the promises of God a reality in your life!”

Simply put, this book is a blessing! Encapsulated within the 10 short chapters, the author presents a “pathway to the promises” that will renovate readers’ thinking (and doing). He states that so many have given up, settled for “complacency and mediocrity”. His book offers new hope and a new life to the promises of God with such valuable chapters as: Learn to Overcome, Value the Valley, Develop a Breakthrough Attitude, Build Momentum, Learn to Engage, Learn to Move in Power, Be a Person of Faith, Be a Person of Prayer, Be a Person of the Spirit, Be a Person of Sacrifice. 

Readers will find this book to be a catalyst to lift them out of their struggles, enemy attacks, and disappointment that also ushers in fresh vision, focus, encouragement and hope that lead to mission and ministry coming into fruition.

I cannot recommend this book enough! Aspects of prayer, faith, and holiness shed light on a surprising read that includes such powerful lessons, insights and treasures from the Bible. He teaches from experience and assists readers to help them grab onto God, gain momentum in God’s ways and His promises. Hope and faith come alive. Such Biblical heroes bring great hope and faith, such as: David, Apostle Paul, the Disciples, all springing forth from the ministry of Jesus.  

Throughout his book, the author has given the roadmap to “failure is not an option.” And within such, revealing the nature of Satan and his temptations, as a mere twisting of the truth…bringing in deception. He makes an eye-opening statement in the later chapter, “Every temptation is Satan’s invitation to do things your own way instead of God’s way.” This is an incredible statement for those who would be willing to apply understanding. Within that, he offers snapshots and a chapter in the book revealing the enemy’s tactics as the “Tempter” and “Accuser of the Brethren” that showcase classic strategies of Satan, unveiling examples of compromise that are written in the Bible, so that readers can glean from these important lessons. 

This is an incredibly timely and well-written book that shares such valuable teachings and comes highly recommended for all Christians, whether a new or mature believer. Thank you Pastor Brunetto for sharing this insight and offering a Pathway to Promise! 

Offering truth from a Biblical perspective to propel readers into their God-given mission You may get your copy of Pathway to Promise: Learning to Overcome at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

For Immediate Release - Christian Author Nick Gasaway

For Immediate Release
A CBM Christian Book Review 

The Sword of Solomon by Nick Gasaway is an explorative piece relating the story of King David and his son, Solomon in the Bible through a presentation of a “modern-day depiction of good vs. evil.” Fast-paced and imaginative, the question that comes forth from the book is one of choice…will you accept Jesus or reject Him?

First following a Biblical parallel from King David and Solomon, these modern-day characters highlight Solomon, the world’s first trillionaire. Blessed with incredible wisdom and ingenuity, riches and corporate know-how, Solomon is led to focusing on his father’s (David’s) journal. Solomon’s reflection, admiration and perspective of his father give life to David’s accomplishments before he died. Looking back, Solomon vows to keep track of all who helped his father David (just as the King David honored Jonathan’s descendants in Scripture).

With a woven tapestry of descriptive imagery, readers from the beginning are given a glimpse of the immensity of not only Solomon’s wealth and prestige, but his deep desire for the things of God, including his integrity as his father’s son. Much like, what we see in the Bible coming from King David and Solomon (who asked for only wisdom, yet was granted wisdom and riches by the Lord). Solomon is a wise man dedicated to the fulfilling the Lord’s purpose for him.

His father, David, was a military hero, his sword that hung steadfastly on the wall in Solomon’s study, lends to incredible significance, but also as a memorial to his father, David. Intriguing sub-plots of a DNA activated crystal, including End Time scenarios of a one world government, leading to a global economic breakdown leading to a global economy under a global leader sheds light into possible End Time scenarios that gain strength in the end of the book. Inclusion of inspiring and profound scripture verses, memorable sayings garnered from such famous individuals such as: Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, George S. Patton, also create a vividly clear picture that shares a fascinating and progressive story.

Notably, this book was written to impact others in a profound way…and asks, “Are you ready? Prepare for I am coming soon.” This was spoken to the author, coupled with a dream, gave him the inspiration to writing this book..

Highly recommended for those that like Christian fiction novels that give hope, light and peace in choosing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. And for all those warriors and military buffs out there…you’ll love this book!

Be sure to also see the sequel The Chosen (The Sword of Solomon Book 2) ...

You may get your copy of The Sword of Solomon at Amazon, in Kindle as a download or at Barnes and Noble.


the Realm of Drugolin, otherly spirit lore

Global News Releases presents
Sword of the Spirit by Mark Norris

To most in the Realm of Drugolin, otherly spirit lore lingered as mysterious legends best suited for late night hearths. On rare occasions one might hear of strange visitations. Some of huge, radiant beings bearing aid and guidance. Others of dark, evil creatures summoning dread and death. All were a part of Drugolish legend, but few took them seriously.

The westland village of Noy couldn’t afford the apathy of its unenlightened, middleland neighbors. Its enclosing fortress walls stood as a monument to the frightening visitations it experienced, day and night.

When the town’s most celebrated 
otherly adventurer receives a prophetic lamp, he teams with one final group on a faith empowering mission into the dread regions of evil that could usher in an eternal age where mortals are like angels and God reigns supreme.

Yahwin (God), Krystos (Jesus), Sahron (Satan), a host of 
otherly foes, warrior angels, and warrior prophets endued with extraordinary power all inhabit this peculiar realm in which author Mark Norris tells an eschatological tale that wars for the Millennium’s victor’s rights.

What would you do if an angel materialized in your bedroom tonight, handed you a prophetic lampstand that projected the events of Satan’s rebellion, and invited you to brave the powers of hell?  ................. 
The otherly is waiting,…will you go?

What others say about Sword of the Spirit:

In Sword of the Spirit, Mark takes us on an intense and imaginative quest that parallels our own lives. A great piece of work that captivates the reader while increasing our ability to remain free from the schemes of darkness. I love  it. It is lush in imagery.“ ~ Gary Crawford

This book really made me think. It delves into spiritual warfare, and considers some of the ways God could anoint believers who resist the enemy in the last days. This book challenged me to believe God for some things I had never considered before. But, it is also a good story. It has plenty of action and I found it hard to put down. I recommend it!” ~ Tom Miller

Get your copy of Sword of the Spirit by Mark Norris today!
